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Jan. 29 Submission

Topic: Facial Recognition and Detection

Daniel Kim will explore the world of facial detection, and if possible, recognition as well. In the modern world, security and filters through cameras is a huge portion of deep learning, and I wish to explore these topics for my project.

Relevant Papers

  1. Face Detection with the Faster R-CNN (2017)
    • This paper discusses using a faster R-CNN framework and learning to try and speed up and more accurately determine detection..”
  2. A Deep Learning Approach for Face Detection using YOLO (2018)
    • This paper is one that discusses the usage of YOLO for object detection and how it can be translated also for face detection, and the approach involving deep learning to make this a reality.
  3. Efficient face detection and tracking in video sequences based on deep learning (2021)
    • The paper proposes a SENResNet face detection model to detect facial information in each video frame and extract the position information of the target face. In order to make facial detection a reality, the usage needs to be translated not only to just photos, but also videos as effectively done in this paper’s experiments.